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Posts tagged “mobile”

I have talked about the potential opportunities and benefits that I believe eSIM offers to mobile operators and other service providers for several years now. I understand that new technology needs to be tried and tested (and fully integrated into billing infrastructure, etc.) but the delays in rolling out eSIM services do cause me to wonder if MNOs are too blinded by protectionism to recognise the true value and appeal of eSIM that it offers them. 
We have published a new infographic following our latest update to our core Market Intelligence Service: Digital Secure Solutions for Credentials, Embedded + IoT Devices. As highlighted in the infographic, the service provides a unique and comprehensive insight into the current and future demand for secure hardware solutions. Its aim is to enable semiconductor, card/credential and device manufacturers, as well as platform and service providers, to track and monitor market developments and determine its future direction. The benefit for our clients is being able to identify future market disruption and stay informed as to how potential regulation and additional external factors may affect them and their customers. 
Read our key thoughts and takeaways from MWC 2019 where the headlines were dominated by 5G and folding smartphones. The IoT is developing in targeted applications yet the standout theme was Urban Mobility. We had a series of meetings and discussions around eSIM, IoT Security, Digital Identity and Authentication. Read below for how these combine to enable and support these new digital businesses.  
P.A.ID Strategies is excited to announce that it has launched its new Digital Secure Solutions: Credentials, Embedded + IoT Devices Market Intelligence Service to clients. It found that the market for secure credentials and embedded hardware for connected devices increased in value by 15.4% in 2018 and is forecast to rapidly grow by a further 41% by 2022 as emerging applications in the IoT implement security and digital credentials are introduced alongside existing smart cards. 
The UK has seen several prominent launches in the past year or two. The likes of Atom, Monzo, Revolut, and Starling have been attracting much attention for their mobile-first, branchless approach. What stood out for me when signing up for their accounts is how seamless the process is. They have foregone the Internet (that is just for providing information), instead, they are all about their apps. Install the app, add your personal details and away you go. 
Orignally published on 24th February 2017 
As we get closer to publishing our next report on eSIM I have been thinking about some of the issues and common assumptions that get made about eSIM.  One that I find myself in opposition to is the comment that Apple will be the one to lead with eSIM for smartphones.